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Anxiety Disorder and COVID-19

The human mind is powerful! There are many Americans that suffer from some kind of mental illness . The COVID-19 Pandemic is making life very hard on those individuals that suffer from mental illness .

There are all types of medically recognized kinds of mental illness . this text will only specialize in mental disturbance .

Anxiety Disorder could also be a condition where the human body reacts to stress abnormally. Humans experience stressors each day . there's work stress, family stress, financial stress, religious stress, marital stress, parenting stress, and much of more stressors. Stress is kind of a sledge hammer hitting your body. If not treated, it can kill. How your body reacts to those stressors is critical to your overrall health.

During the COVID-19 pandemic there are added stressors affecting the lives of the many Americans. ready to |i'll"> i will be able to be able to list sort of them but there are more .

The threat of illness and death. The threat of losing an honest paying job. The threat of loved ones getting sick and dying. The uncertainty of the long run . The threat of the economy crashing and losing your retirement. The threat of running out of essential supplies for your family. The threat of famine or not having enough food to eat. The threat of homelessness. The threat of isolation from family and loved ones. The threat of being judged negatively by society if tested positive for COVID-19. the strain of homeschooling children while also working employment . the strain of childcare when no daycares are open. the strain of paying your staff or keeping your small business open. the strain of paying bills.

Let's be honest, these stressors are enough to send any human into the condition called mental disturbance .

Anxiety disorder in its simplest form is your body reacting negatively to worry . it's considerably kind of a flight or fight response to stress . a person's brain can literally only take such tons before it causes a mental breakdown.

According to Dr. Fauci and Dr. Birx (President Trumps Covid-19 Task Force), the next are the very best three signs a private may have contracted the COVID-19 virus:

1. Fever

2. Dry cough

3. Shortness of breath

They have since learned that every patient is different. Many patients may have fatigue, chills, muscle aches, redness around the eyes, headache, nausea, diarrhea, and severe abdominal pain.

Some patients are asymptomatic and carry COVID-19 but have no symptons.

As a results of those common symptons and asymptomatic carriers it's difficult to say that every one patients have the COVID-19 virus without getting tested. People are being told to assume that everyone has the virus because the symptoms are so common.

Anxiety disorder manifests itself within the body in many similar ways. it isn't uncommon for a patient under extreme stress to exhibit the next symptons:

1. Muscle Aches

2. Headache

3. Nausea

4. Fatigue

5. Weakened system leading to fever.

6. Diarrhea

7. Shortness of breath

8. Tightness in chest

9. Muscle weakness within the legs and arms

10. Disorientation

11. Outbursts of anger and frustration

A person can believe that they have contracted COVID-19, when actually they're suffering from severe mental disturbance .

The first thing to undertake to to is schedule a gathering along side your physician and acquire medical advice. Other steps you'll take are cutting all social media, and journalism out of your life, excersing regularly, staying away from caffeine, and getting enough sleep. There are also prescriptions your doctor can prescribe that are non-addictive but will help calm your body and reduce your anxiety.

If you are a lover of Jesus the foremost important thing you'll do is pray. Ask Jesus to help you in your anxiety and provides you grace to live with it.

For the follower of Jesus , they're never alone. God is typically with them and dealing for his or her good. he's their source of strength and may give them the grace to beat mental disturbance . Jesus cares about every detail of their lives, especially mental disturbance . He will help them in their time of need.

COVID-19 and mental disturbance are very real threats and with government shutdowns, job layoffs, and illness, people who suffer with mental illness are struggling. it's my hope that this text will give the reader peace of mind that they are getting to distinguish the difference between the virus and anxiety and not panic if they begin to develop symptoms.

Thank you for reading my article which i hope you found it helpful. i'm a library director and follower of Jesus (Christian).

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