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The Truth About Using Onion Juice For Hair Growth And Thickness

Growing hair is extremely hard. for lots of reasons. one of the foremost important reasons why we get frustrated and typically hand over our hair, albeit we spend a lot of cash and energy on its growth, is the indisputable fact that it's such a slow endeavor.

Hair grows at a turtle-like pace.

But that being said, all hope isn't lost. So if you've been experiencing any quiet hair loss, you would be happy to understand that there is an all-natural solution which may help. Yes, one among the sole ways to travel about this problem, the matter of weak hair or hair that's slowly but surely beginning to thin, is to use onions.

It might sound weird and bizarre initially , but there are some real benefits of onions for your hair growth. Below we'll instruct you on this because of using onion juice for hair growth.

But first, let's inspect the amazing benefits of using onion juice in your hair.

Both users and hair professionals agree, that when used on a uniform basis, you'll experience so amazing benefits to your hair. confine mind that this is often not a one-time usage but rather regular application over several weeks.

Here are some interesting facts associated with onion juice and hair growth:

1. Onions are rich in dietary sulfur - And hair follicles need sulfur to regenerate.

Sulfur also features an extra benefit therein it makes the hair stronger. Stronger hair means less hair breaking and more stability

2. Onion juice is rich in many antioxidants. All those antioxidants will help your hair stay strong, also as it stops it from turning gray.

3. Another great advantage of onion juice is its ability to fight bacteria. With enough onion juice use, you'll get rid of all those unnecessary bacteria that swirl around your hair from day to day.

4. Onion Juice helps to strengthen blood circulation in your scalp.

And you'll or won't know that to grow strong hair with stable follicles, you want good blood circulation.

Now that we've verified the advantages of using onion juice in your hair, we'll then advance to the appliance aspect of the remedy.

So here's what you'll need:

1. Two to 3 large onions
2. an important oil of choice.
3. A blender
4. a little strainer or cheesecloth
5. Small container to pour the juice.
6. A ball of cotton.
Here's the because of Prepare Your Onion Juice Mixture

Step 1

Peel the onions and chop them into small pieces. Blend the tiny pieces until you've a mix that's almost firm.

Step 2

Place the strainer over a bowl or container. Pour the blended mixture into the strainer and use a spoon to press it right down to get all the juice out into the container underneath.

Step 3

Add a couple of drops of volatile oil like lavender or peppermint to assist mask the smell of the onions.

Step 4

Use a little piece of cotton and dip it within the onion juice. Divide your hair so as that the areas of your head that are low in hair get exposed.

Apply the juice everywhere your head, but confirm to pay special attention to the places on your head where the hair is its thinnest.

Step 5

Cover your head with a cap and let the remedy sit for a minimum of 1 hour.

Step 6

Once the time is up, wash your hair with a light-weight organic shampoo and rinse well with warm water.

And that's it!

For best results, use this onion juice remedy a minimum of 3 times per week for a minimum of 4-6 weeks. This remedy is extremely effective but you'd wish to be consistent over a period of a while . The sole downside is that it's time-consuming.

But if you're having time on your hands, this is often definitely a remedy that requires to be a neighborhood of your weekly hair care routine.

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